

Article I: Name of Organization

This Association shall be called the Association of Texas Photography Instructors and shall be a non-profit organization.

Article II: Statement of Purpose and Objectives

The aims and objectives of this organization shall be educationally oriented. The primary objectives of the Association shall be:

  • To develop a state-wide organization for all photography instructors in Texas;
  • To increase and sustain the instructional level of photography as a communicative field at all levels of the Texas educational system;
  • To impart to the students, teachers, schools and the state an understanding of the role and purposes of photography in today’s society; and
  • To provide to our members information and experiences that will allow them to develop and improve their teaching.

Article III: Membership

Section I: Membership Types

Membership in the Association shall be of three types: active, honorary and life.

Section II: Eligibility

Any teacher or other friend of education who desires to foster the interests of photography in the schools of Texas is eligible for active membership in the organization.

Section III: Honorary Membership

The Association may elect friends of ATPI and Texas scholastic photography to Honorary Membership in the organization. Any member may nominate candidates for Honorary Membership by contacting the Executive Committee. After recommendations from the Executive Committee, an individual shall be extended an Honorary Membership at the Association’s Conference. Honorary members may not serve as voting members of the Association.

Section IV: Life Membership

Life members shall be active or former members who have contributed significantly to the organization or to Texas scholastic photography. Any member may nominate candidates for Life Membership by contacting the Executive Committee. After recommendations from the Executive Committee, an individual shall be extended a Life Membership at the Association’s Conference. Life members shall serve as voting members of the Association.

Section V: Active Membership

Active members shall pay fees as specified in the Bylaws. Active members shall serve as voting members of the Association.

Article IV: Elected Officers

Section I: Executive Officers

The Association shall have a president, a first vice president, other vice presidents as necessary, and a secretary.

Section II: Eligibility to run for office

Only active members of the organization who are current or former classroom instructors shall be eligible to be nominated for elective office. No more than 30% of the board can consist of former classroom instructors. Letters of self-nomination shall be submitted to the Executive committee.

Section III: Voting

Officers will be elected by mail ballot or through a secure online system approved by the Executive Committee. Ballots will be distributed to all ATPI members. The candidates receiving the most votes will be declared the winners within 48 hours of the close of the election.

Section IV: Term of Office

Officers will serve for two years.

Section V: Election Dates

Elections shall take place during the spring of the second year of the officers’ terms. Results will be announced in the Association’s newsletter and through appropriate electronic communication.

Section VI: Filling of Vacancies

Vacancies in the executive offices will be filled through procedures specified in the Bylaws.

Article V: Executive Committee

Section I: Membership

The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, all vice presidents, the secretary and the executive director.

Section II: Meeting Dates

The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the president or through a consensus of a majority of the Executive Committee members.

Section III: Executive Director

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint an executive director who shall have such powers and perform such duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.

The executive director shall keep full and accurate accounts of the receipts and disbursements in association books and shall deposit all such monies in the name and to the credit of the association.

The executive director shall disburse the funds of the association in accordance with the direction of the Executive Committee. Additionally, the executive director will maintain a database with membership information and will perform duties as necessary to maintain the organization at the direction of the Executive Committee.

In all matters except those regarding the appointment of the executive director, the executive director will be a full, voting member of the Executive Committee.

Article VI: Meetings

Meetings shall be held during the ATPI Conference at a place and time determined by the Executive Committee. Non-voting meetings may also be held in conjunction with other state organization meetings.

Article VII: Ratification

This Constitution shall become effective upon the approval of 3/4 of the members who return their mail ballots.

Article VIII: Amendments

Section I: Notification of Members

Amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in written form to the Executive Committee and will be published in the Association’s newsletter and through appropriate electronic communication to all members and other interested parties.

Section II: Ratification

An amendment shall become effective upon approval of two-thirds of the members present at the ATPI Conference or upon approval of two-thirds of the members returning ballots before a time specified.

Article IX: Dissolution of the Association

Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Association shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the association, dispose of all of the assets of the association in such manner, or to such organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), so the Association shall determine.

Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

ATPI Bylaws

Bylaw I: Duties of the Officers

Section I – President

The president shall, with the guidance of the Executive Committee members, arrange for meeting places, preside at the meetings, appoint all ad-hoc committee chairpersons and approve disbursement of funds.

Section II – Vice Presidents

Vice Presidents will be elected by the membership and will, along with other Executive Committee members, chair the committees on the newsletter, scholarships, member­ship/awards, and the ATPI Conference. Duties of these executive officers shall be defined under Bylaw II: Standing Committees.

Section III – Secretary

The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and shall provide copies of minutes to all Executive Committee members within 48 hours of the end of the meeting.

Bylaw II: Standing Committees

Section I: Committee Chairs

Standing committees will be run by a member of the Executive Committee.

Section II: Newsletter Committee

The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for publishing and distributing the ATPI newsletter to the friends and members of the Association. The chair of this committee shall serve as the editor of the newsletter unless the Newsletter Committee appoints another person as editor. The duties of the newsletter editor will be determined by the Newsletter Committee and must be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section III: Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for conducting and administering scholarship recipient selection.

Section IV: Membership/Awards Committee

The Membership/Awards Committee shall oversee the selection and presentation of honor­ary/­life memberships. The chair of this committee will be in charge of maintaining a current membership list and soliciting new members. The Treasurer will serve as a member of this committee.

Section V: Conference Committee

The Conference Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the ATPI Conference.

Section VI: Membership Committee

Members of each standing committee will be appointed by the chairperson of that committee. All voting committee members must be active members of the Association. Ex-officio, non-voting members may be appointed by the chairperson of that committee.

Bylaw III: Dues

Section I: Amount

Active members shall pay membership fees of $20 each school year. Effective July 1, 2024, dues will increase to $30 each school year.

Section II: Term of membership

Membership extends through a school year and begins each fall at the opening of the school year.

Bylaw IV: Amendments to the Bylaws

Section I: Voting at the ATPI Conference

At the Conference, the Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of those present. All proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing prior to the meeting.

Section II: Voting

After possible amendments are published in the newsletter and in practical electronic communication, amendments to the Bylaws may be passed by a two-thirds of members returning ballots by mail or through a secure online system approved by the Executive Committee.

Bylaw V: Officer Vacancy

Vacancy in any office other than the presidency shall be filled by the president until the next Conference at which time the vacancy shall be filled by a vote of members present. The person elected or appointed will serve until the end of the term when the office would normally become vacant.
In the event of a vacancy for president, the board shall select, by majority vote, a current board member to serve out the term of the president.

Updated and approved by the membership