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Blog Archives:
2023 ATPI Winter Conference Fees
Welcome to the registration system for the ATPI Winter Conference. Please follow these instructions to complete Part One of registration:
- Enter the number of teachers, students and speakers you are registering.
- Enter the number of students in individual and team contests.
- Enter the number of environmental self portrait entries.
- Enter the number of tickets for our Thursday night event, if attending.
- Enter any organization memberships you want to add.
- Click on “Add to Event Cart.”
- Click on “Proceed to Registration” to enter your name, school and other required information.
- For payment information you can choose to print an invoice and mail the payment or you can pay with a credit card using PayPal. If your school or district has to enter the credit card information you will receive an email with a link to pay that you can forward to the person with the credit card.
You will receive a passcode in your confirmation email that will let you log into the second event to complete the contest and class requests. If you do not submit this second form you will not be fully registered for the 2023 Winter Conference.
If you have any questions please email
2023 Winter Conference
February 23, 2023 - February 25, 2023
6:00 pm - 5:00 pm
ATPI Membership Form 2022-2023
Use this form to join ATPI and other partner organizations. You can submit your payment through PayPal or by mailing a copy of your invoice along with a check to PO Box 4647, Wichita Falls, TX 76308.
TAJE – Texas Association of Journalism Educators
SIPA – Southern Interscholastic Press Association
JEA – Journalism Education Association
TPS – Texas Photographic Society
To use this registration form select your memberships and add to your event cart. On the next screen select “Proceed to Registration” and answer the questions. Proceed to payment options at the bottom of the screen.
Membership Form
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
12:00 am - 11:55 pm
2022 ATPI Summer Workshop
Use this form to register for the 2022 ATPI Summer Workshop, which takes place in Fredericksburg, TX June 13-16, 2022. You can also join ATPI, TAJE, JEA, SIPA or TPS at the same time. Use PayPal/credit card to pay or you can print out an invoice and mail payment to the Post Office box.
To use this registration form select the class and memberships and add to your event cart. On the next screen select “Proceed to Registration” and answer the questions. Proceed to payment options at the bottom of the screen.
2022 ATPI Summer Workshop for Instructors Only
June 13, 2022 - June 16, 2022
10:30 am - 11:45 am
2022 ATPI Winter Conference Fees
The 2022 ATPI Winter Conference has been switched to a virtual event. The only thing that registration is required for is for the contests. Please use this form and the subsequent form to register students for the contests.
- Enter the number of students in individual and team contests.
- Enter the number of environmental self portrait entries.
- Enter any organization memberships you want to add.
- Click on “Add to Event Cart.”
- Click on “Proceed to Registration” to enter your name, school and other required information.
- For payment information you can choose to print an invoice and mail the payment or you can pay with a credit card using PayPal. If your school or district has to enter the credit card information you will receive an email with a link to pay that you can forward to the person with the credit card.
You will receive a passcode in your confirmation email that will let you log into the second event to complete the contest and class requests. If you do not submit this second form you will not be fully registered for the 2022 Winter Conference.
If you have any questions please email
2022 Winter Conference
February 25, 2022 - February 26, 2022
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Protected: 2022 ATPI Winter Conference Registration
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
ATPI Membership Form 2021-2022
Use this form to join ATPI and other partner organizations. You can submit your payment through PayPal or by mailing a copy of your invoice along with a check to PO Box 4647, Wichita Falls, TX 76308.
TAJE – Texas Association of Journalism Educators
SIPA – Southern Interscholastic Press Association
JEA – Journalism Education Association
TPS – Texas Photographic Society
To use this registration form select your memberships and add to your event cart. On the next screen select “Proceed to Registration” and answer the questions. Proceed to payment options at the bottom of the screen.
Membership Form
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
12:00 am - 11:55 pm
2021 Virtual ATPI Summer Workshop
The Photographic Optics class and the Storytelling class are now full. There is still room in Post Production Sound Design.
Use this form to register for the 2021 ATPI Summer Workshop, which takes place virtually June 13-16, 2021. Select one track that you want to register for, which has a $50 fee. You will have the opportunity to identify other tracks you want to participate in, which do not incur additional costs. You can also join ATPI, TAJE, JEA, SIPA or TPS at the same time. Use PayPal/credit card to pay or you can print out an invoice and mail payment to the Post Office box.
To use this registration form select your primary class and memberships and add to your event cart. On the next screen select “Proceed to Registration” and answer the questions. Proceed to payment options at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to indicate on the registration form if you are interested in any of the other classes.
2021 ATPI Summer Workshop for Instructors Only
June 13, 2021 - June 16, 2021
3:00 pm
Protected: 2021 ATPI Winter Conference Registration
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
2021 ATPI Winter Conference Fees
Welcome to the registration system for the ATPI Winter Conference. Please follow these instructions to complete Part One of registration:
- Enter the number of teachers and students you are registering. If you are selecting group options, only put “1” in the quantity field. If you have an odd number, use a group option and then individual tickets for the rest.
- Enter the number of students in individual and team contests. Do not include the Social Media or Peoples’ Choice contests.
- Enter the number of environmental self portrait entries based on ATPI membership.
- Enter any organization memberships you want to add.
- Click on “Add to Event Cart.”
- Click on “Proceed to Registration” to enter your name, school and other required information.
- For payment information you can choose to print an invoice and mail the payment or you can pay with a credit card using PayPal. If your school or district has to enter the credit card information you will receive an email with a link to pay that you can forward to the person with the credit card.
You will receive a passcode in your confirmation email that will let you log into the second event to complete the contest and class requests. If you do not submit this second form you will not be fully registered for the 2021 Winter Conference.
If you have any questions please email
2021 Virtual Winter Conference
February 8, 2021 - February 27, 2021
8:00 am - 4:00 pm