Use this form to register for the 2020 ATPI Summer Workshop, which takes place online June 14-17, 2020. Select one track that you want to register for. You will have the opportunity to identify other tracks you want to join. You can also join ATPI, TAJE, JEA or SIPA at the same time. If you are not a 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 ATPI member you will need to join ATPI in order to participate in the workshop. Email if you are not sure if you are a current member. Use PayPal/credit card to pay or you can print out an invoice and mail payment to the Post Office box.
To use this registration form select your primary class and memberships and add to your event cart. On the next screen select “Proceed to Registration” and answer the questions. Proceed to payment options at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to indicate on the registration form if you are interested in any of the other classes.
2020 ATPI Summer Workshop for Instructors Only
June 14, 2020 - June 17, 2020
3:00 pm